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nokia 114 display and keypad light solution picture help

Nokia 114 light ways Picture help solution step by step

This post i will share with you easy to how you can solve your nokia 114 display and keypad light problem. this post i will share with you latest version of nokia 114 light way.
This post i will share with you easily to how you can solve your Nokia 114 display and keypad light problem. this post i will share with you latest version of Nokia 114 light way. if you follow this post you can easy to solve your mobile phone Nokia 114 light problem. 

if your mobile phone is water damage at first clean your mobile phone motherboard using nc thinner. check your mic try to change this microphone with the new one. after change it if you see still mic is not working. follow the below image. check image marking a line using AVO Meter. if you find any line is broken just reconnect that line with copper coil. i hope after following this post you find Nokia 114 light ways solution.