Call of duty 4 modern warfare all cheats code for Pc

Call of duty 4 modern warfare all cheats code for Pc This post i will share with you very popular first person shooting game Call of duty 4 all of pc multiplayer and single player cheats code. you can use this code also when you play with your friends multiplayer. How To Use This Code Multiplayer ?
This post i will share with you very popular first person shooting game Call of duty 4 all of pc multiplayer and single player cheats code. you can use this code also when you play with your friends multiplayer.

How To Use This Code Multiplayer ?

  • At First Start A New Server.
  • Go Game Settings Enable Game Console.
  • Press Keyboard This Button ( ~ )
  • Type '' /devmap mp_bog '' and press 'enter'. You can also type shipment, crossfire etc.
  • Type '' /jump_height 1000 '' and press enter for bigger jumps. You can also type a number between 1-999 -except ''1000'-' for smaller jumps.
  • Press ~  , type '' /god '' and press 'enter' for being deathless!
i will share with you all of Cheat Code in a table which one you like you can find easily. thank you for visit our site.
Cheat CodeEffect
give allAccess all weapons
give healthRefills the health meter
godGod mode
noclipNo clipping mode
notargetEnemies ignore you
give ammoRefills the ammo
jumptonodeTeleports you to a specific node on the map
jump_height # (Default = 39)Adjust gravity
timescale # (Default = 1.00)Adjust time
cg_LaserForceOn 1Add laser slight to all weapons
cg_drawGunRemove gun
cg_fovZoom with any gun
r_fullbrightFull brightness
give rpgGive RPG
give g3Give G3
give mp5Give MP5
give dragunovGive DRAGUNOV
give berettaGive BERETTA
give uspGive USP
give sawGive SAW
give m9Give M9
give stingerGive STINGER
give javelinGive JAVELIN
toggle cg_drawgunHides the arm and gun to boost the frame rate
toggle g_entinfoShows scripts over important objects/soldiers
toggle r_fastskyRemoves the sky
toggle cg_draw2dTakes away all the screen information for a cleaner UI
toggle r_showtrisMakes the game play in wire frame
map_restartRestarts the current level
killMakes the player commit suicide
cmdlistList all the game commands

These "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" cheats let you play any level in single-player mode:
Cheat CodeEffect
map bastogne1Play Mission 1: Bastogne 1
map bastogne2Play Mission 2: Bastogne 2
map foyPlay Mission 3: Foy
map novillePlay Mission 4: Noville
map bomberPlay Mission 5: Bomber
map trainbridgePlay Mission 6: Train Bridge
map sicily1Play Mission 7: Sicily 1
map sicily2Play Mission 8: Sicily 2
map trenchesPlay Mission 9: Trenches
map ponyriPlay Mission 10: Ponyri
map kurskPlay Mission 11: Kursk
map kharkov1Play Mission 12: Kharkov 1
map kharkov2Play Mission 13: Kharkov 2
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