The Importance of Data Entry: A Guide to Accurate and Efficient Data Management (Digital object identifier)

March 04, 2023

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique identifier used to identify and locate digital content, such as journal articles, books, and datasets, on the internet. DOIs are assigned by a registration agency and consist of a prefix, a slash, and a suffix, such as "10.1000/123456". The prefix identifies the registration agency, while the suffix identifies the specific object.

DOIs are used to provide persistent links to digital content, ensuring that it remains accessible and citable over time. They are widely used in scholarly publishing, where they provide a reliable way to reference and cite academic articles, books, and other materials.

DOIs have several advantages over other forms of digital identification, such as URLs. Unlike URLs, which can change or become obsolete over time, DOIs are designed to be persistent, meaning that they will continue to work even if the location of the content changes. DOIs also provide a standardized way of referencing digital content, making it easier to locate and cite sources across different platforms and systems.

In addition to providing a persistent identifier, DOIs can also be used to track usage and impact metrics, such as downloads and citations. This can be useful for authors, publishers, and other stakeholders who want to measure the reach and impact of their digital content.

To obtain a DOI, content creators and publishers must register with a DOI registration agency, such as Crossref or DataCite. Once registered, they can assign DOIs to their content and include them in metadata associated with the content, such as journal articles, books, or datasets.

In conclusion, digital object identifiers (DOIs) are a standardized and persistent way to identify and locate digital content on the internet. They provide numerous benefits, such as ensuring that content remains accessible and citable over time, and allowing for the tracking of usage and impact metrics. DOIs are widely used in scholarly publishing and other digital content domains, and provide a reliable way to reference and cite digital content.

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